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Tropical Leaves


Hannah Vehrs

Duties include the following:

Take the chair and call the members to order

Preside in an orderly, polite manner

Present the business of the organization to the body

Tropical Leaves


Teri Pitts

Duties include the following:

In the absence of the president, and in the order of his or her rank, shall assume the duties of the president

Tropical Leaves


Molly Harris

Duties include the following:

To receive all money

To pay bills as directed

To give a treasurer's report at each meeting

Tropical Leaves


Melina Vernon

Duties include the following:

To keep the minutes of all meetings in a tight leaf book

In the absence of both the president and vice-president, to call the meeting to order and proceed to elect a president pro-tem

To read the minutes of the preceding meeting

Tropical Leaves


Nola Dorton

Duties include the following:

See that the constitution and by-laws are carried out

Tropical Leaves


Emerald Pitts

Duties include the following:

See that the constitution and by-laws are carried out

Tropical Leaves


Vivian Reddell

Duties include the following:

See that the constitution and by-laws are carried out

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